Roc Room
Written by: 0-T on Nov 28th, 2002
[ Just Blaze and Kanye West play pool in the Roc Rec Room, with Bleek in the background, polishing arcade joysticks ]
Just Blaze: We're having quite the run...
Kanye: I did Takeover, do you got beef with Naaaas?
Just Blaze: Stop saying that. I can't get your fuckin verse outta my head.
Kanye: Man, my album is gonna be the shit. You should hear the beats I've been saving for it.
Just Blaze: Saving?
Bleek: *raises brow*
Just Blaze and Kanye: *look over to Bleek*
Bleek: *gets back to polishing*
Kanye: ... yeah, saving.
Just Blaze: Shit, I just give out the beats as I do 'em.
Kanye: Big mistake man... how you look havin Jay come to you for some heat and you gave your last shit to Bleek?
Just Blaze: HAHAHAHA
Bleek: Ayo, I'm standin right here nigga. Y'all could a least talk about me behind my back.
Kanye: Anyway, you gotta hold back sometimes.
Just Blaze: Didn't you sell Poppin Tags and Never Change to other niggas, then resold them to Jay?
Kanye: ............. I did take over the game! brought back the soul! *does the cabbage patch*
Just Blaze: You stupid.
Kanye: But seriously... you ever make some hot shit and think to yourself... "damn, this beat is golden..."
Just Blaze: *nods*
Kanye: ...and you think about all the great emcees in the game, and how we're kinda wasting beats on some average lyricists. It really contributes to the downward spiral in hip-hop, where talented original hip-hop artists recieve less recognition for their craft, because the so-called "hot producers" will only work with whoever's hot. One day, we'll look back on our millions and feel cheated... not only having cheated the hip-hop culture of some truly timeless music, but cheated ourselves out of the experience of creating the classic music like our forefathers in the rap game. Sometimes, I ask myself, is it all worth it.
Just Blaze: ......
Kanye: ......
Bleek: *grins... and gradually works up enough nerve to start laughing outloud* HAHAHA
Kanye and Just Blaze: SHUT UP BLEEK!
Bleek: *pouts*
Kanye and Just Blaze: *return to their girlish cackling*